what i marked with yellow represents your IPv4 address-this is actually the most important thing for your friends,they will need to copy this one(i will show you later).your friends must connect to you by pressing the Join an existing network after creating their own network.ĥ.When you are good to go with the network and the connecting stuff,you need to remember the next things: if you didn't create a network yet,you press the Create a new network button and create one just like the step above, Ok so after you download Hamachi, Synergy and Half Life 2 ,you will need to setup Hamachi.Here's how:ġ.Open Hamachi and press the power button to connect.Ģ.It will ask you to sign up or log in(if you already have an account skip the next step).ģ.So if you don't have an account here is how to create one:you press the Sign Up button and it will open a new window where you will need to create a Network ID(for example:testing1234),and a password(just create an easy and a short one:1234aa or something like that).Ĥ.After you log in it will automacly start with the network you created(if it's not connecting just press the power button again and it will work or restart hamachi).It will ask you to Create a new network or Join an existing network,here are 2 things to keep in mind: